The Best Day ever

This morning our team (while in surgery) was notified that in another part of the hospital a woman was in labor and things had gone wrong. Very wrong. Our hosting hospital is small. They only have 2 doctors and several nurses … they needed our help. Emergency C section was needed and Stat! We cleared an OR Table and made […]

Some days are more challenging than others …

Yesterday, three of our OR monitors got burned out due to the constant power fluctuations at the regional hospital. We can’t lose any more or we need to shut down. We’ve scraped together enough voltage and high wattage protectors and we are hoping they hold. As Dr Krebs says, “It’s a mission and things are going to get jacked up.” […]

Day 1 Screenings

Its Day One at our Mission 2013 Hospital in Dapa, Siargao! We had about 30 more children show up then we expected but, we are ready to help them! We have 120-150 Patients to pre-screen for surgery. It’s busy … but thanks to your help we are ready for anything!